Wednesday, July 16, 2014

OBIEE 11g : Implicit Fact Column

OBIEE 11g : Implicit Fact Column

An Implicit fact column is used when we have multiple fact tables and the report is getting generated using only dimension columns.

A User may request a report where it may have only Dimensions and no Fact columns. In this case, the server may sometimes get confused as to which fact table should it join to fetch the data. So it joins to the nearest fact table and pulls the data through it. So the report output obtained may be different from what the user is expecting.
So, in order to avoid this kind of error,we need to set Implicit Fact Column.

The goal of this is to guide the BI Server to make the best choice between two possible query paths.
We can set a fact attribute (measure) as an implicit fact column.
We can also create dummy implicit fact column on and assign any numeric value to it.

We can set implicit fact column in presentation catlog properties.

1.  Goto properties of presentation catlog in presentation layer.
2.  In implicit fact column section click on set and select any measure column from fact table.
3.  Click OK.
4.  Save your work.

Implicit Fact Column

Instead of selecting any fact measure column as implicit fact column, we can also define a dummy implicit fact.
1.  Create a Physical Column in Fact table in Physical Layer.
2.  Name it as Implicit_Column.
3.  Drag this column in Fact table from BMM layer.
4.  Double click on logical table source of fact table.
5.  In content tab, assign any numeric value to Implicit_Column.

Implicit Fact Column

Once this is done we can set this column as Implicit Fact Column in Presentation catlog as mentioned above.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

OBIEE 11g : How to set log level?

OBIEE 11g : How to set log level?

In previous post we have seen query logging introduction.

In this post we will see how we can set log level.
We can enable logging level for individual users, system user, and individual request.

1.  For Individual analysis(Temporary log):

While diagnosing query performance or data issue we may need to set temporary log level for a query.
For this we need to set Log_level system variable in advanced tab of analysis.
Add below code in prefix and click Apply Sql.


 This will fetch log only for desired analysis.

2.  For Individual User:

We can set log level for individual user in two ways.

1.       a.  Initializing Loglevel Session Variable:

We can set log level for each user by setting the loglevel system session variable via an initialization block.

b.  Using User Dialog:
a.    In the Administration Tool, select Manage > Identity (11g). The Security Manager dialog box appears.
b.    Double-click the user's user ID. The User dialog box appears.
c.    Set the logging level by clicking the Up or Down arrows next to the Logging Level field.

3.  System Log Level:

You can find a default logging level in the options>Repository tab of the repository.
This will set a system level default log level that will fetch logs for all users as well as all analysis.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

OBIEE 11g : Query Logging

OBIEE 11g : Query Logging

OBIEE 11g allows controlling the information that is being logged.
We can fetch the logical as well as physical query by enabling log level.
You can enable logging level for individual users, system user, and individual request.

OBIEE provides different levels of logging as from 0(no logging) to 5(all the information).

Query Logging Levels Description:

Logging Level
Information That Is Logged
Level 0
No logging.
Level 1
Logs the SQL statement issued from the client application. Also logs the following:
·         Physical Query Response Time — The time for a query to be processed in the back-end database.
·         Number of physical queries — The number of queries that are processed by the back-end database.
·         Cumulative time — The sum of time for all physical queries for a request (that is, the sum of all back-end database processing times and DB-connect times).
·         DB-Connect time — The time taken to connect to the back-end database.
·         Query cache processing — The time taken to process the logical query from the cache.
·         Elapsed time — The time that has elapsed from when the logical query is presented to the BI Server until the result is returned to the user. Elapsed time can never be less than response time, because elapsed time takes into account the small extra time between the logical query being presented to the BI Server to the start of preparation of the query. In cases where this delta time is negligible, the elapsed time equals the response time.
·         Response time — The time taken for the logical query to prepare, execute, and fetch the last record. This matches the TOTAL_TIME_SEC that is logged in usage tracking.
·         Compilation time — The time taken to compile the logical query.
·         For each query, logs the query status (success, failure, termination, or timeout), and the user ID, session ID, and request ID.
Level 2
Logs everything logged in Level 1.
Additionally, for each query, logs the repository name, business model name, subject area name, SQL statement issued against the physical database, queries issued against the cache, number of rows returned from each query against a physical database and from queries issued against the cache, and the number of rows returned to the client application.
Level 3
Logs everything logged in Level 2.
Additionally, adds a log entry for the logical query plan, when a query that was supposed to seed the cache was not inserted into the cache, when existing cache entries are purged to make room for the current query, and when the attempt to update the exact match hit detector fails.
Do not select this level without the assistance of Oracle Support Services.
Level 4
Logs everything logged in Level 3.
Additionally, logs the query execution plan. Do not select this level without the assistance of Oracle Support Services.
Level 5
Logs everything logged in Level 4.
Additionally, logs intermediate row counts at various points in the execution plan. Do not select this level without the assistance of Oracle Support Services.
Level 6 and 7
Not used.

Viewing logs:

Logs get stored in NQSQUERY.log file.
It is located at,


Also logs can be viewed from dashboard administration.
We can fetch logs from Administration>Manage Sessions

Here we can see all the logs generated for different users.

Please check my next post on how to set query log level,

OBIEE 11g : How to set log level?

Friday, June 20, 2014

OBIEE 11g : Using Popup Boxes/Alerts with prompts

We can make use of JavaScript Popup boxes in OBIEE 11g UI customization.

We can associate these alert messages with dashboard prompts.

We can achieve data validation using these alerts.

For this we create a prompt as Number1 and Number2. Also we define presentation variable as num1 and num2 respectively.


Now we add text view and add following code to it.

                <script type="text/javascript">

                var num1='@{num1}';
                var num2='@{num2}';

                alert('Number 1 is '+num1+'and number 2 is '+num2);


This code simply checks numbers entered in text boxes and generates alert.

As you can see an alert is being shown when we apply prompts. According to our script it simply shows numbers entered in text boxes.

Here we use ‘alert()’ function of JavaScript to generate alert.
Also we can use presentation variables i.e. num1 and num2 to initiate variables.

Now consider following code.
We can also check other operations as following code.


                <script type="text/javascript">

                var num1='@{num1}';
                var num2='@{num2}';

                alert('Number1 is greater than number2' );

                else if(num1<num2)
                alert('Number2 is greater than number1' );

                alert('Number1 and number2 are same' );



This script compares numbers entered in 2 text boxes and generates alert as follows.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

OBIEE 11g : Changing Oracle Logo from Login/Home Page

In OBIEE 11g we can change the oracle logo from login page as well as home page.
For custom skin changes we have already deployed ‘TestSkin’.
Plese refer ,

OBIEE 11g: Deploying & Developing a Custom Skin Part 1

OBIEE 11g: Deploying & Developing a Custom Skin Part 2

1. Changing Oracle Logo from Login Page-

Oracle logo appearing on login page is located at below location,


The logo image located at this location is oracle_logo.png”.
So we simply need to replace this image with the logo that we need to put.
Rename new logo as “oracle_logo”
Logo should have same size as of Oracle logo i.e. 119x25

2. Changing Oracle Logo from Home Page-

Oracle logo appearing on home page is located at below location,


We need to follow same steps as we followed to change logo from login page.
The logo image located at this location is oracle_logo.png”.
So we simply need to replace this image with the logo that we need to put.
Rename new logo as “oracle_logo”
Logo should have same size as of Oracle logo i.e. 119x25

Once done restart presentation services and you will see the changed logos on login as well as home page.

Friday, June 13, 2014

OBIEE 11g : Display Image / Using Image as a Link on Dashboard Page

Display  Image:

We can add an image or image link on dashboard page by making use of HTML <img> tag.

Syntax for image tag is,

<img src="URL" alt="Some_Text" width="x" height="y">

Src is the location of image.
In case of OBIEE we will be storing image on server folder.
To fetch this image we need to give path of image location.

In this example I will be storing image on Custom skin folder created for Custom Skin.
To understand Custom Skin Folder creation please refer,

Deploying & Developing a Custom Skin Part 1

I have copied my image i.e. ‘welcome.jpg’ at following location in ‘analyticsRes’ custom skin folder,


Now to fetch this image in we need to add text view to dashboard page and select ‘Contains HTML markup’.
Then use following code,

<img  src=”/analyticsRes/s_TestSkin/b_mozilla_4/welcome.jpg"  alt="WelcomeImg"  width="400"  height="200">

We can use this path from ‘analyticsRes’ as we have deployed this custom folder in fusion middleware.
This will display image on your dashboard page.

Using  Image as a Link on Dashboard Page:

Similarly to use  image as a link we can use following code,

<a href="""><img  src=”/analyticsRes/s_TestSkin/b_mozilla_4/welcome.jpg"  alt="WelcomeImg"  width="400"  height="200">

Thus every time user clicks on this image he will get directed to Test Dashboard.

Similarly we can also navigate to other dashboard objects/pages/analysis/webpages just by changing path as per requirement.

Relevant Posts:

Thursday, June 12, 2014

OBIEE 11g : Using HTML Hyperlinks (Links) with OBIEE 11g

Using HTML Hyperlinks (Links) with OBIEE 11g


We can make use of HTML Hyperlinks to put links on dashboard.

Links allow users to click their way from page to page.

The HTML <a> tag defines a hyperlink.
A hyperlink (or link) is a word, group of words, or image that you can click on to jump to another document.

When you move the cursor over a link in a Web page, the arrow will turn into a little hand.
The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's destination.

Syntax for HTML hyperlink is,

<a href="url">Link text</a>

For example:

Add text view in OBIEE and put following code in text view. Select ‘Contains HTML markup’

<a href=””>Visit BI Simplified</a>

It will create hyperlink on dashboard as follows,

                          Visit BI Simplified

This link will open target web page within same link.

To open target page in new tab we can use following code,

<a href=”” target="_blank">Visit BI Simplified</a>

The link generated will be as follows,

                          Visit BI Simplified

You can allocate this link on dashboard as per your requirement using <div> tag.

OBIEE 11g : Using IFrame with OBIEE 11g

Using IFrame with OBIEE 11g
OBIEE 11g Object/Webpage embeding in dashboard

We can make use of HTML and Javascript very effectively when it comes to the UI customizations of OBIEE.

In this post I will explain about how we can use HTML <iframe> tag with OBIEE 11g for UI customizations.
An iframe is used to display a web page within a web page.
Syntax for iframe is,

                     <iframe src="URL" width="200" height="200"></iframe>

In OBIEE 11g we can use IFrame tag to in HTML code to display an object from within OBIEE such as analysis created, reports etc. or we can embed any webpage within dash board.

I have created a table which I need to display on my dashboard page using iframe.

To fetch the URL of this particular analysis I need to go to catlog and open this analysis.
On opening this analysis we get URL in browser address bar.

 We need to add this URL in iframe tag as follows,

Add text object in ‘IFrame Demo’ tab of Test dashboard. Add following script to dashboard and select ‘contains HTML markup’.

<iframe frameborder="0" MARGINWIDTH="0"  MARGINHEIGHT="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="1200"   src=""></iframe>

In src property we need to add URL of this particular analysis.

Now execute the dashboard.
On executing the dashboard, you will be able to see Child dashboard being merged into parent dashboard. But we do not wish to see the OBIEE header getting displayed with analysis.

To remove these links from embedded analysis add narrative view in analysis edit section and select ‘contains HTML markup’. Then add following script,

<script type="text/javascript">
var tds = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (var td = 0; td < tds.length; td++) {
if (tds[td].className != 'HeaderTopBar' && tds[td].className != 'HeaderSecondBar' ) {
if (tds[td].className == 'HeaderTopBar') {
var x = tds[td].parentNode;
if (tds[td].className == 'HeaderSecondBar HeaderSecondBarPadding' || tds[td].className == 'HeaderSecondBar HeaderSecondBarMargin') {
var x = tds[td].parentNode;

This script disables the header objects of child dashboard.

getElementsByTagName() method accesses all elements with the specified tagname.

'HeaderTopBar' and HeaderSecondBar' are the class names of header bars.
So using this javascript code we are disabling the header bars.

Run the dashboard and you will be able to see the analysis embedded within dashboard page.

Same way  we can embed a web page or web page object on dashboard.
In following example I am embedding  on dashboard page.

<iframe frameborder="0" MARGINWIDTH="0"  MARGINHEIGHT="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="1200"   src=""></iframe>

In this example we don’t need to add javascript to disable header.
Set width and height as per requirement.